Friday, September 24, 2010

More pics

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Handsome man

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Before & After

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First haircut experience

The cape was put on. Fisher started freaking out. The cape came off. Fisher continued to freak out. We were all sweating trying to hold him down so that no earswould get sacrificed in the process.
Finally the haircut was finished, or as finished as it was going to get. And it looks adorable.
He looks like such a big boy now. . . more pics to come

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Children's Museum

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Children's Museum

Thanks to Gigi we escaped the Children's Museum all in one piece. Fisher likes to take other people's toys and one little boy was not too happy about it. It's going to take a little work to get Fisher to understand that he can't just take people's cabbage right out of their wagon.

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Kiddie Park with Gigi & Papa

My parent's (Gigi & Papa) came to visit and we took Fisher back to the kiddie park.

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