Wednesday, November 11, 2009

dear fisher

dear Fish boy,

I feel like it's been forever since the last letter and I told myself that I was going to follow through with this! That's what happens when life gets busy. Your dad has been out of town for work all week and it's amazing how much there is to do after work to get ready for the next day. Luckily he comes back tonight, yea! I know he's missed you, so much in fact that I am going to let him get up with you during the nights for the whole weekend. fun!

It's been amazing how much you are starting to figure out. Those little arms and legs are always moving now, often punching yourself or me in the face. I see now why moms cut their hair short because sometimes I think you're going to pull mine right out of my head! You're so curious with everything around you, never wanting to miss anything. I think that you get that from me. Some may call that nosey, I call it being aware of my surroundings. You're favorite thing right now is bathtime, you can be so crabby and then as soon as you get in the tub you are the happiest baby ever and have the best time. It's so cute to see! We'll have to capture it on camera so we can share it. You've rolled over by now a couple of times but don't really seem to interested to keep doing it. I can't wait to see what comes next!
Every day I'm so excited to pick you up after work and all of the kids that you're with all day crack me up. They really like you. As I strap you into your carseat they all yell over each other to tell me how they played with you, Finley made you smile, Bryce made you laugh, etc. It's so refreshing to see that you already have friends and that your smile is brightening their days too!

I love you,


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