Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Random thoughts

This might not be too interesting for many of you, but it's one of those days where I have to write out the words in my head. I'll add a few new pics of Fisher soon for those of you waiting.

I've been up since 4:45 and so I feel like I've already accomplished more today than I do on most full days. Fisher has finally started sleeping through the night again and going to bed like a champ. For instance last night he ate his bottle and as I sang "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" to him (it's the only song I know all the words to-good thing it's Christmas time!) he reached up to grab my nose or eyes, or whatever he could reach and laughed at me, or maybe my singing voice. I thought for sure that he was not going to go down because of how awake he seemed. But I forced myself to end our one on one time-one of my favorite moments of every day-and put him down to sleep. He was silent, not a peep. What a good boy!! Now, if we could just work on the time in the morning that he gets up we would be on a good road. Anyways, by getting up at 4:45 I got things done that I needed to do and had been putting off. I desperately needed to vacuum since my hair is coming out in handfuls and is all over the carpet, and I organized the milk in the freezer-you'd understand if you saw our freezer.
So, since I was being so productive I let Chris go to work early and offered to take Fisher to the sitters house (he usually drops off and I pick up). So, I have the car warming up, dogs in the cage, bags packed and loaded. I pick Fisher up out of his exersaucer and smell a little something. Come on, seriously! Full blow out!! Whenever he's in that thing the poop travels all the way up his back. . . what a way to start the morning, elbows deep. At least I made the sitter happy by telling her that she avoided that one!
So, basically all I'm saying is that I deserve that $4 Starbucks drink that I bought myself this morning. (I'll just bank on Fisher getting a college scholarship to make up for all the other mornings!)

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