Wednesday, October 21, 2009

the start of 'dear fisher'

I want our blog to be more. . . more of a record of the journey that we are going through as new parents, more of the feelings that we have, and more of the little things that make us, 'us'. So, I'm going to try to transform this blog into more than just pictures and notes. I'm going to try to make it a journal of everything that we're going through together. I have the worst memory so maybe this will help me remember all of the little things that go on so in 20 years I can remember not only when Fisher had a first, but also how we felt at that moment. I'm not super touchy feely but ever since I've become a mom I'm sort of an emotional wreck. I guess it comes with the job!

I've decided to write letters to Fisher weekly(hopefully). Not all of them are going to be mushy, actually most of them probably won't be, but I want to capture everything and I want him to know later on just how much he meant to us from the start. I thought it would be a good way to express my feelings and at the same time letting all the important people in his life know just what he is doing(right now, drooling). So read on if you want, but if you just want to see pics that's ok too. Here's the first letter:

Dear Fisher,

I feel like I’ve always lived for the next big moment. I’ve always looked ahead to what’s next, just waiting for something to happen but never really enjoying all the little moments that make up life. But you’ve changed that. You make every day a new adventure and I want to pause all of our moments together just so they last a little bit longer. You’re already growing up so fast and I love seeing you get big and strong, but I also want to keep you my baby forever. You make me a better person, more understanding and compassionate towards people and things where I wasn’t before. I hope that as you grow and develop, I can too. I want to be a better person for you. And for your dad because you guys are my life.

I love you, Mom

1 comment:

Missy said...

Okay, I don't know if it is the prego hormones or what but I am balling!! This idea is wonderful and I am so glad you are doing this!!!