Sunday, November 1, 2009

1st Halloween

Christine (Fisher's sitter) dressed him up one day
her family loves Halloween so they have lots of props!

in his "1st Halloween" outfit from Aunt Holly
Christine tried this one but he didn't seem to like it

at Mike & Megan's after trick or treating

yet another outfit leading up to the big day

he's a giraffe

this is the real costume during trick or treating with Aunt Holly

the monkey and his pumpkin

so cute!


Jessica said...

How many outfits did you put on poor Fisher? What a good sport he is!

Anonymous said...

Dear Fisher: You are just too special. I hope to see you in person before your first day of school. I have your blog now and hope to see updates. Love and kisses, Aunt Judy

Anonymous said...

Chris, We hope that's your thumb in the last pic. Mom & Dad