Friday, January 1, 2010

dear fisher

dear fisher,

It's been awhile since I've written you a letter. . . I've already failed at the frequency of which I was going to write you but it's only because I want each letter to say something meaningful and sometimes day to day life can be boring to put into words. But, believe me it's never boring to experience. We've made it to the new year! I can't believe that it's 2010 already. . . I'm sorry that you weren't born in the year 2010, I always found it easier to remember my age because I was born in 1980 :)
Remembering 2009 could take forever. We've had 6 1/2 wonderful months with you. I'd say we've done a pretty good job considering you're the most complicated thing we've dealt with so far and you didn't come with instructions. With only a few bumps and bruises, you are growing strong and are happier than ever. At your 6 month appt you were 18 lbs and right on track with everything. I'm sure that 2010 will bring so many new things to both you and us.
Every new year brings new year resolutions and goals that we all hope to accomplish throughout the year. One of my most important goals is to be the best mom that I can be for you. . . but that's a goal that I'll have every year. Although a lot of my other goals don't directly impact you, they indirectly do because all of them in some way will hopefully make me a happier, healthier person which will in turn make me a better mom. So, life lesson for you. . . make goals in life. They can be big or small, but it's important to have goals (even if we don't always reach them).
As I look forward to the year to come, I can't think of any two people I would want to share the year with more than you and your dad.
I love you,

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