Monday, January 25, 2010

Fisher growed 2 ear infections

"fisher growed" is my new favorite phase. I get really hooked on annoying things and so I'm sure Chris is already sick of this phrase. I know it's hard to believe that I could be annoying :) but it's true. Chris cringes at my stories of me and my brother and sister in the car, fighting over our personal space. Let's pray that if we do have another one, Fisher and "other unique name" take on the relationship of Chris and Mara(think Brady Bunch) instead of my family (think the Simpsons). Notice I said "unique name". My favorite thing to do now is watch the reactions of strangers when I tell them that his name is Fisher. "oh, that's different" is usually the response. My hair dresser told me that we should name our next one "Forrest" which I actually didn't think was that funny, if she had said "Hunter" of "Gatherer" I would have been right there with her.
Did I mention that Chris told me he didn't get ear infections as a kid so this must be another thing that he gets from me. So, if I were to start a list of things that he gets from me there would be 1) my sensitive skin, 2) ear infections. Not a long list, but so far we think he's pretty perfect and we can guess where all of that comes from :)
Anyways, I had a reason for this blog. Along with the 2 teeth that Fisher growed, he also growed 2 ear infections. Poor guy! No wonder he has been sleeping so bad and shaking his head. I just thought that he was saying no to everything that I said. Like "do you love daddy more than me?" haha, just kidding. I guess we're lucky that he's gone this long and had very little sickness.
On that subject, I want to put out there for everyone to keep our beauiful little niece, Brooklyn in their prayers. She also had 2 ear infections that turned into RSV(that's probably not medically correct-but you get it). She's in good hands now at the hospital. We just want her to know that we're thinking about her and hoping she feels better soon!

isn't he starting to look different? i swear he isn't always as dirty as in the pics i post!!


Zack Weingartner said...

Fishy is too dang cute!! Miss you guys!

Jos said...

I agree! Hope he feels better soon..poor little dude.