Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fisher growed a tooth

My heart always skips a beat when I'm at work and I see a text or call from Christine, Fisher's sitter. So, yesterday I was in a meeting and had just started talking to a table of people when I hear a little beep on my phone. I reach down to check it out and I see a text from Christine, oh no! Then I open it and it's a picture of Fisher, soaked in drool of course, smiling at the camera. Below it read, "Mommy do u know I have a tooth now?" Of course I couldn't keep it to myself and had to tell everyone in the room, hoping that the tears stinging my eyes would stay put. They did, and the one woman declared, "aww, you just had a moment with everyone."
The title of this entry is because when I went to pick up Fisher I walked in the door and the first girl that saw me screamed "Fisher growed a tooth today!" and then the next one I saw yelled "Fisher growed a tooth today!" It was really cute that they were almost as excited as I was for one of his milestones. I remember when Fisher sat up for the first time at Christine's. Her daughter Finley told me, "Fisher sat on his butt today." Kids are hilarious.
Of course, me being me, I had two thoughts later. One being that they should have said "Fisher grew a tooth"(ok, i thought that the second they said it) and the second was that I couldn't see the tooth at first glance and had to feel for it soI hope that they just took Christine's word for it and didn't try to feel for the tooth themselves.
The second tooth came today. . . and the poor guy seems in pain.

here's a pic of Fisher in his legwarmers and drool. I just noticed the raised eyebrow too

1 comment:

Jos said...

That drool is seriously impressive! Emerson is about to get her 5th tooth and she's a big drooler too. Congrats on the first tooth. :)